DigiMax Lite Galery
The V1.0 Prototype That Started It All
The Final V1.x KIT
PLL02A - Electrophone CB-550 - DigiMax Lite V1.2
MB8719 - Uniden Grant XL - DigiMax Lite V1.0 Prototype
MB8719 - Cobra 148GTL - DigiMax Lite V1.2
MB8719 - Tony's Uniden Madison Base built in 1988 - DigiMax Lite V1.2
I bought your "DigiMax Lite" kit off of fleaBay a few months ago and thought I'd give it a try.
I have tried other channel mods and mostly was just curious how your kit compared.
I just couldn't wait for a donor radio to become available. Finally, I came across a Uniden Madison
with 2 speakers that was clean and completely stock!!! WOOHOO!!!
I followed the instructions (READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!) that came with the kit and within a few
hours the radio was complete. :o) Simple to install, and a breeze to program!!!
Did a few other mods to it, and now have one beast of a radio.
I must say that your kit has breathed new life into this old SSB single conversion radio.
Thanks for the hard work and time you put into it. Cheers from the States :o)
Tony in Indianapolis, Indiana
MB8719 - Shane's Washington Base - DigiMax Lite V1.2
MB8719 - Simon's Cobra 2000 GTL - DigiMax Lite V1.2
MB8719 - Ken's Uniden Grant - DigiMax Lite V1.2
Installation was easy and painless. The only issue I had was noise from prom pcb.
In a base station this would not be an issue as there is plenty of room to move pcb
away from sensitive components.
Mobile unit are a bit tight for room.
But I would recommend and re-buy this unit...
It should have been around years ago.
Ken in NSW, Australia
uPD858 - Wayne's President Washington - DigiMax Lite V2.0
Second picture is Squelch pickup point (Blue 1 ---> Yellow extension wire), Squelch Active = Low)
Wayne in WA, Australia
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