DigiMax Lite
Just got better!!!! Now with full support for uPD858 and other BCD non-ROM locked PLL chips as well as all the binary chips currently suported by V1.xx
BEHOLD, THE ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL SCANNER MOD HAS ARRIVED!!!! V2 with full support for 10kc/5kc stepping is here !!!!!! NOW
DigiMax Lite is the ULTIMATE in channel scanner expansion for PLL02A, MB8719, uPD861, MC145106, SM5104, uPD858 and more CB radios. FORGET the band select switch!! FORGET 10kc offset crap!!! What the hell!!! You shouldn't have to remember to switch to Band B go to channel 3 flick the 10kc offset switch and then calculate what channel you're actually on!!!!!! FORGET the so called 96, 120, 180 or 192 channel mods (they have holes in coverage, 5 missing channels per each band!!!!) On 180 channel mod this will add up to 25 missing channels!!!!!!!! This MOD gives you RAW 512 CHANNELS!!!!!!!!! (MB8719 uses 7bit so you can only get 128 channels, if you have MB8734 or RCI8719 then you need to swap it for MB8719). FORGET mods that are specific to particular radio model!!!!! This will cover all radio models with PLL02A, MB8719, uPD861, MC145106 and SM5104CB PLL chips. If you sell your radio and get another one with one of those chips then you simply move the mod to it, NO NEED TO BUY ANOTHER RADIO SPECIFIC MOD!!!!!! FORGET complicated installation and programming, solder only 10 wires and it's done!!!!!!! Few turns of channel selector will marry the radio and the MOD. DigiMax Lite gives you CONTINUOUS COVERAGE for all bands supported by your radio (NO BAND SWITCH and 10kc CRAP, NO HOLES IN YOUR RADIO for extra switches!!!) . Displays minus for negative channels!!!! Displays hidden channels denoted by A!!!!!!
DigiMax Lite channel scanner expansion mod is UNIVERSAL, designed to expand coverage of CB Radios for educational purposes. Transmitting on out-of-band frequencies is illegal!!!! This circuit is a smaller version of DigiMax project. This project is designed to be easily installed and configured for a particular radio model without changing the way the radio looks. At first glance you can't tell that the radio has been modified. To program the mod to your radio requires only few turns of selector switch. Once set, the configuration is saved and need not be performed again. The mod is designed to offer
coverage of
from negative to positive including A channels. This mod replaces the radio's channel selector and display assemblies.
V1.xx: Main PCB: 6.1cm Long x 4.5cm Wide
V2.xx: Main PCB: 6.7cm Long x 4.7cm Wide
LED Display PCB: 4.4cm High x 2.8cm Wide (with snap off at 1.75cm from top of Display PCB) x 2cm mounting depth (from face of LED to back of IDC connector)
OLED Graphical Display PCB: 4.4cm High x 2.8cm Wide (with snap off at 1.75cm from top of Display PCB) x 2cm mounting depth (from face of OLED to back of IDC connector)
Even though this mod has been designed to fit 99.9% of different radio models out there in the market, there are some models that it will not fit. Radios that have frequency display mounted on same PCB as the 2 digit channel display will not accomodate DigiMax Lite( Galaxy DX 959, Cobra 200 DX, etc.)
Some radios are more fiddly than others (Cobra 2000, Washington etc.), please examine your radio to see how much work is involved before you buy it.
If you are unsure please send me an email and I will let you know if you can fit DigiMax Lite in your radio.
Pictures of V1.2 expansion MOD.
Check out my photo gallery by clicking the picture below
Progress Update
20-8-2010 Threats from US based group.
It has recently come to my attention that there are people out there in different forums deliberately misleading unsuspecting users and trying to discredit DigiMax Lite. They are saying it is a copy of another design from US. This is not true to say the least.
I can assure you DigiMax Lite is not a copy of any product floating around on the internet, it has been designed and programmed from scratch. DigiMax Lite doesn't even look anything like the US backyard prototype (I'm not even sure why they are claiming the rights that it is a copy???). It is obvious these people have no idea of what they are talking about and should not be taken seriously.
However this also proves to me that they see DigiMax Lite is a real threat to the US backyard prototype, otherwise they would not try so hard to discredit it.
It is not my intention to discredit any product that may be in direct competition with DigiMax Lite (the more competition the better for the end user I say), this is why I have left out the names.
I could also claim that US based bunch have copied my design by using an encoder in their latest attempt just to keep up with the rest of the world but I won't as there are other designs out there that have used this for a while.
The US made prototype pride themselves in keeping their customers in stone age for the last 20 years by providing a design that made you drill holes in your radio for additional switches just to give you full coverage. Only recently they released a design with an encoder in response to all the other designs that have been light years ahead of them for a long while.
There are real concerns about quality of any product which is backyard brewed, namely how long it will last before it deteriorates. Any home brew PCB is not a product, isolation routing and non-commercially made PCBs will deteriorate quiet quickly, the copper tracks will oxidize (rust) turning gray and green and develop cracks. So what are you paying for? The answer is: An inferior thing (I still can't call it a product).
There is no patent on "The idea to expand channels in a radio".
After all I am just another electronics enthusiast that enjoys creating and helping others.
10-7-19 - I am back from holidays.
Kits are back on sale from this link:Digimax Lite V2.6 with 5kc/10kc stepping
17-6-19 - I am away on holidays.
I am currently overseas on holiday. I have very limited/non existant internet access so I have disabled all listings for Digimax Lite as I will not be able to process and ship them. I will not be able to reply to emails untill I am back in Australia.
DigiMax Lite will be up for sale as soon as I get back.
14-6-19 - DigiMax Lite V2.6 firmware is here.
New firmware features include:
1. Full support for 5kc/10kc stepping on all PLL chips that support it (NOTE: PLL02a, MC145109 are not supported). PLL chips that are supported are: uPD858, MC145106, SM5104 etc.
2. Upgrade is compatible with DigiMax Lite main PCB V2.7 and higher.
3. DigiMax Lite V2.6 with 5kc stepping DEMO is here: Digimax Lite V2.6 with 5kc/10kc stepping.
25-1-19 - uPD2824 PLL adapter boards are here.
This dapter board replaces uPD2824 PLL (previously not supported by DigiMax Lite as it is ROM locked and can not be modified) with MB145106 PLL to allow up to 511 channels, the amount of channels will depend on your radio chassis.
1. Upgrade is compatible with DigiMax Lite main PCB V2.7 and higher.
2. PLL adapter can be purchased here: PLL uPD2824 adapter.
12-9-18 -MB 8719 PLL adapter is here.
This adapter board replaces 7-bit MB8719/RCI8719/MB8734 etc. with MB145106 PLL to allow up to 511 channels (instead of just 128 channels), the amount of channels will depend on your radio chassis.
1. Upgrade is compatible with DigiMax Lite main PCB V2.7 and higher.
2. PLL adapter can be purchased here: PLL MB8719 adapter.
25-5-18 - DigiMax Lite V2.5 firmware is here.
New firmware features include:
1. Full support for up to 512 channels.
2. Upgrade is compatible with V2.4 DigiMax Lite kit.
17-9-17 - DigiMax Lite V2.4 kits are on sale, apologies for the delay.
New features include:
1. Split TX/RX frequency – You can transmit on one channel and receive on another. Channel gap is configurable through the menu. It gives you a semi-private conversation.
2. Auto Range detect – on most radios the VCO drops out way before 256 channels are achieved. This function will automatically detect the actual usable range of the radio by monitoring LD pin on PLL and set the Maximum usable channel and Minimum usable channel.
3. Faster scan through frequencies.
1-8-17 - All DigiMax Lite V2.0 kits have been sold out, The new version V2.4 with extra features is coming out shortly.
1-4-15 - DigiMax Lite V2.0 kit is back on SALE!!! :)
6-1-15 - DigiMax Lite V2.0 kit is temporarily on hold as I await for delayed parts shipment. Apologies for this.
31-12-14 - DigiMax Lite V2.0 kit is now on sale available through my Online Shop with full support for uPD858 and some new cool features!!!
9-12-14 - Officially SOLD OUT of V1.2 kits, still awaiting on parts for V2.0 kit.. Won't be long now..
17-11-14 - Just got the new V2.xx babies delivered last week and it's a GO!!!. Already tested etc... just waiting on a batch of IC sockets for the new design and still need to write the documentation and then I can have the kits available for purchase... It is a LIMITED batch of 100 kits and I have already had over 60 customers expressing interest (well, I meant to say DYING to get one) for uPD858 (BCD PLL) kits so I'm sure they will sell out very quickly. Here are some photos and only few days left untill I put them up for sale :) so "First in best dressed!!"
5-11-14 - Sincere apologies for anyone who expressed an interest in BCD PLL chips (uPD858 and more).
Due to my work and personal commitments I was unable to allocate any time to V2.xx development in the last few months but I have managed to find "some time" (despite STRONG daily protests from my girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!), YES I AM STILL PAYING THE PRICE.. to confirm hardware design for release. Well, I have just ordered V2.3 (for V2.xx firmware) PCBs to be made, eta 2-4 weeks. Hang in there guys and thank you for your overwhelming support.
14-7-14 - New batch of V1.2 PCBs have arrived. DigiMax Lite is back on sale!!!!.
30-6-14 - Sold out of V1.2 kits. New batch of PCBs has been ordered, ETA 2 weeks.
15-5-14 - V2.xx new features confirmed:
1. Full BCD non-ROM locked PLL (uPD858 etc.) support.
2. Full support for current Binary DigiMax Lite V1.2 PLL chips.
3. Custom Home Channel - configurable through Config menu.
4. Scanning Function - Much like a scanner works, when activity on a channel is found the scan is stopped. (still working on the code for this, not yet available)
5. Improved menu option display for easier configuration.
22-4-14 - V2.xx prototype support for BCD PLL chips like uPD858 and many others is verified and fully functional. Just need to add few other features and test before final design. Keep watching this space. Last call for additional features before I commit and mass produce the kit. If you have an idea for something that V2.xx should have just email me through "Contact Me" link.
19-4-14 - A lot has happened since my last update back in mid 2013. Mainly renovations of my house etc. Hence no real progress on DigiMax for the last few months (apologies). I have been inundated with requests from my USA and AU based friends for some cool features over the last few months. Yes, I promised you V2.xx of DigiMax and I did manage to find time to design a new prototype which has full support for 858 and other non-ROM locked BCD chips and some really cool additional features like optional graphical display with custom Logo branding (for the shop that installs it in their customer's radio) as well as custom firmware options, scanning, support for UHF CB radio , conversion of standard 27MHz radio to 10m band for amateur radio operators and many more new features!!! A quick glimpse at the prototype:
8-7-13 - V2.0 PCB did not work out and needs a redesign and new prototype to be built.
2-7-13 - V2.0 PCB circuit for DigiMax Lite is ready for testing. I have created a prototype PCB (Below picture) so I can test the firmware for 858 and other BCD non-ROM locked PLL functionality as well as some additional features in the firmware.
01-6-13 - I have started the design of V2.0 PCB circuit and V2.0 firmware for DigiMax Lite. After countless requests for uPD858 BCD PLL, I have managed to find some time to make it a reality.
08-7-12 - Released a minor revision upgrade V1.2 This is same as V1.1 with the additional "Last channel on Power Up". What it does is it remembers the last channel your radio was on before turning it off and restores that channel when you turn the radio back on.
06-5-11 - I will be offering 10% discount on new V1.2 release of firmware (coming soon) to anyone who will send me few photos of their radio with DigiMax and a quick note about your experience with installing it in your radio, (this is your say) to be posted in my Galery. All those interested please send me an EMAIL.
05-5-11 - I have received and tested samples of new BLUE displays. There are only 9 of them and they are available for sale with my kit. I have ordered 50 more and they should be here in few weeks.
30-4-11 - WOW, only few kits left from original stock... Hurry, Don't miss out.
31-8-10 - Due to vast popularity of DigiMax Lite I have been inundated with orders. Thank you for your support.
20-8-10 - Finished coding firmware V1.1. This version has support for all types of binary PLLs (BCD PLLs are not yet supported). There are additional menu functions to accommodate different PLL chips.
27-7-10 - Finished coding and debugging for MB8719, uPD861, MC145106 and SM5104.
26-7-10 - I am looking for re-sellers, please CONTACT ME if you are interested in selling DigiMax Lite.
13-7-10 - I have successfully installed my very first prototype in an 02A radio!!!! Took all of 5 minutes to solder the wires in. Works like a dream, no issues at all!!! The radio needs to be tuned to allow for additional bandwidth.
Schematic Diagram
The circuit uses a PIC micro controller to generate nCodes for the radio much like the channel selector switch. You can continually increment and decrement channels using the quadrature channel selector switch. "A" channels will be displayed as such eg. 3A, 7A, 11A etc. It uses a triple digit display to display channel number. The mod uses the radio's internal 12V power.
Digimax Lite V1.1 currently works on any PLL (eg. MB8719, PLL02A radios) with binary and BCD nCode. It is designed to automatically detect 8-bit channel range of the radio.
Currently the mod uses lower 8 bits of the PLL binary or BCD nCode and is hardcoded to a minimum channel of -99 (we only have 3 digits to display, one digit is used for "-" sign) through to maximum channel of the radio using lower 8bits.
For PLL02A your channel 1 nCode equals to 255 (10-bit) then nCode for 8-bit is also 255. This will give you a maximum channel of 251 (8-bit nCode = 0) at which time the channels will wrap around back to 1.
To program DigiMax Lite V1.2 to your radio please follow the bellow easy steps:
1. Press and HOLD the channel selector switch (about 5 sec) until it displays --- or PLL last 3 digits (---, 02A, 719, 106).
2. Rotate channel selector switch to display last 3 digits of your PLL chip number in your radio (PLL02A, MB8719 or MC145106 and others).
3. Press channel selector once to save and move on, the display will show current nCode for channel 1. In this view all dots are lit for easy identification.
4. Rotate channel selector switch to display 8-bit nCode for channel 1 of your radio.
5. Once correct 8-bit nCode is displayed press and HOLD the channel selector switch (about 5 sec) until displays channel 1. That's it.
The mod is now set up for your radio. The mod had also automatically worked out your radio's Minimum and Maximum channel.
I have also included a quick jump to channel 11 from any other channel. You can do this simply by pressing the channel selector switch once.
1. 512 CHANNELS - V2.5x of DigiMax Lite supports 512 channels (MB8719 is 7bit so only 128 channels) the coverage depends on your radio model.
2. FLEXIBLE - Supports many radios with binary or BCD nCode, most popular PLL02A, MB8719, MC145106, uPD858 etc.
3. ALL IN ONE SOLUTION - Works with AM and SSB radios.
4. INTELIGENT - Automatically works out the 9-bit channel range (Minimum and Maximum channel) for your radio.
5. EASY INSTALLATION - Only solder 10 wires (V1.2) or 14 wires (V2.x)
6. EASY CONFIGURATION - All you need is an nCode (decimal value) for channel 1 and couple of turns of the channel selector.
7. CONTINUOUS COVERAGE - From channel -199 through to channel 508 (the coverage depends on your radio model).
8. HIDDEN CHANNEL DISPLAY - All Auxilary channels are displayed as 3A, 7A, 11A, 15A and 19A.
9. QUICK JUMP TO CHANNEL 11 - From any channel (negative or positive) just press the channel selector switch once and you're there in a flash (V1.2 only).
10. QUICK JUMP TO CUSTOM CHANNEL - From any channel (negative or positive) just press the channel selector switch twice and you're there in a flash (V2.x and above).
11. SUPER FAST INSTALL - Replaces your current channel selector and display (only solder 10 wires on V1.x or 14 wires for V2.x to get extreme coverage).
12. COBRA 2000 AND WASHINGTON - Supports Washington and Cobra 2000 style radios with unique Display design. Simply snap display PCB in half (along perforated line) and you can mount LED display anywhere independant of the schannel switch.
12. EASY FUTURE UPGRADES - Just replace the Firmware chip. Upgrades are available from my Shop, no need to Purchase the whole circuit.
Future Improvements
1. Make DigiMax Lite fully compatible with uPD858 PLL - DONE V2.xx
2. Use single digit to denote negative channels ( "-1") above -99 expanding negative channels from -99 to -199 - DONE v2.5x
3. Expand channel range by using 9-bit nCodes (512 channels) - DONE v2.5x
4. Make DigiMax Lite compatible with PLLs that use BCD nCodes. - DONE V2.xx
5. Compatibility to use 5kc steps.
Circuit Board
Where can I get it You ask??
You can purchase it from my Shop
The pre-programmed upgrade microcontroller for this project is available for purchase from Here.
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